I build websites and applications with JavaScript and Swift.
My name is Matt Waler, and I am a developer from Ohio specializing in JavaScript and Swift. I am a firm believer that simple, pragmatic, and readable code is far superior to complex abstractions.

Let's get to know each other better.
A non-comprehensive list of the tools that I use day-in and day-out to get my work done:
- Alpine.js
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- Next.js
- React
- React Native
- Swift
- Tailwind CSS
If I'm not writing code, I am most likely doing one or multiple of the following:
- Playing Tennis
- Lifting weights
- Practicing new recipes in the kitchen
- Losing Marvel Snap games
- Listening to pop-punk music
- Watching films and reviewing on letterboxd
Jack of all trades. Master of some.
I can build single page applications, fullstack CMS projects, and everything in between.
View WebsitesInstruction
I am comfortable teaching any of the tools I use in my day-to-day development life.
View InstructionDo you want to build a new app?
Don't get Frozen with an app you don't love. I can refactor, refresh, or just rebuild you a new app or website that will knock your socks off.
Contact Me